To address the so badly needed swarmship implementation and support a functional and respectful flat hierarchy in life, society and management, here are some intricates.
First intricate:
It is the edge that leads. It is well worth your time to think about this one.
It ensues that the inside follows.
Second intricate:
Everyone gets to the edge at one point in time. I mean everyone is asked to be a leader at several points in time in her/his life.
That alone, is a fundamental corner stone motivation to get prepared, to learn, yes as much as you can, yes about everything. This preparation is part of the "meaning of life", if not its most important part. This last fact helps regain the value of studies/learning and applies of course to (i) the traditional students (in school or not, young or not) and (ii) the entitled who think they have arrived (ex. some adults, some parents, some wealthies, etc.)
Note about the edge: Some are more often at the edge , sometimes for the good of the flock, but mostly for the worst. We should learn from this: Recently, in response to the obscene abuse of wealth owners, we, the people, main-streamed and empowered sociopathy (Erdogan, Trump, Duterte, Orbán, Bolsonaro, etc.). This is the contrary of swarmship, called despotism, dictatorship, etc..